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Vision Pendleton Offers Vision Therapy for Enhanced Visual Skills

Good vision is more than just seeing clearly. It is also about the brain's ability to control eye alignment and how accurately an individual can process visual information. Our tailored vision therapy sessions aim to resolve visual issues that glasses or contact lenses alone cannot adequately manage, supporting all facets of your visual health.

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What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a proven method for improving crucial visual skills. It consists of personalized visual exercises supervised by a professional.

These exercises correct visual-motor and cognitive deficiencies in children, but adults can also benefit. Our therapy programs are like physical therapy for the eyes and brain. The aim is to train the visual system to correct itself in a controlled setting. This allows the corrections to become automatic and applicable in daily life.

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Who Can Benefit from Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy can be beneficial for individuals of all ages, particularly those who experience:

  • Eye strain or fatigue: Especially from reading or computer use
  • Poor binocular vision: Difficulty coordinating both eyes together effectively
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye): Diminished vision in one eye caused by lack of use during early development
  • Strabismus (crossed eyes or wandering eye)
  • Visual perceptual difficulties: Problems with visual memory, spatial orientation, or other functions that interfere with reading, writing, and educational activities
  • Sports vision improvement: Athletes looking to enhance their visual accuracy and reaction times

Our Vision Therapy Programs

We personalize each vision therapy program at our clinic. After a functional visual exam, we craft a therapy regimen that addresses each patient's needs. Here are a few components of our therapy programs:

  • Individualized sessions: These sessions, conducted in the office with a trained vision therapist, address the unique challenges each patient faces.
  • Home reinforcement exercises: To supplement in-office treatment, patients will receive exercises to perform at home, which helps to reinforce and speed up the progress.
  • Use of therapeutic tools: Including specialized lenses, prisms, filters, and computerized systems to challenge the visual system and encourage improvement.
  • Progress Evaluation: Regular assessments to monitor improvement and make necessary adjustments to the therapy program.
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